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Table 2 Reported exosome protein biomarkers for cancer diagnostic applications

From: Tumor-derived systems as novel biomedical tools—turning the enemy into an ally

Cancer type

Exosome Protein Markers






Therapeutic target

Disease monitoring

Breast cancer


Involved in tumor progression and metastasis




Overexpression leads to more aggressive tumor growth and a poorer prognosis




CA 15–3

Involved in tumor growth and metastasis



PKG1 (Protein Kinase G1)

Plays a role in cell proliferation and migration. It also regulates estrogen receptor signaling





Colorectal cancer

CD 147 (Basigin)

It activates PI3K/AKT, MAPK/ERK, and JAK/STAT signaling pathways to promote tumor development, invasion, and metastasis





CEA (Carcinoembryonic Antigen)

Activate recipient cell signaling pathways, especially the EGFR pathway, to promote tumor growth, invasion, and angiogenesis




CD 166/ALCAM (Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule)

Promote tumor growth and metastasis




CD 9

CD9-positive exosomes play a role in the dissemination of CRC



Ovarian cancer

HE4 (Human Epididymis Protein 4)

Modulates EGFR-MAPK signaling pathway to influence cancer cell adhesion, migration, and the growth of tumors






Promote tumor development and metastasis



Lung cancer

EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor)

Exosomal EGFR activates downstream signaling pathways to promote tumor growth and metastasis





Lung cancer often has KRAS protein mutations, which are implicated in numerous cellular signaling pathways





It activates AKT/GSK3β and induces cancer cell EMT, promoting invasion





PSMA (Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen)

It plays a role in the degradation of folate and is abundantly expressed during various phases of prostate cancer, particularly following a relapse in therapy




Prostate cancer

PCA 3(Prostate Cancer Antigen 3)

Regulates cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis





CA 19–9

It is produced due to abnormal glycosylation, a process commonly seen in cancer progression, resulting in the formation of various glycosylated residues





Pancreatic cancer


It suppresses the immune response and promotes tumor growth. MUC1-expressing exosomes increase cancer cell migration, invasion, and angiogenesis




AFP (alpha-fetoprotein)

AFP exosomes transfer oncogenic chemicals to promote tumor growth and invasion and suppress T cells and natural killer cells, which kill cancer cells




Liver cancer

ANGPT2 (Angiopoietin 2)

It promotes tumor growth and angiogenesis and is associated with increased aggressiveness, invasion, and tumor metastasis


