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Table 2 Application of functionalized cell-delivery hydrogel scaffolds within the last 5 Years

From: Multifunctional hydrogels: advanced therapeutic tools for osteochondral regeneration

Scaffold type

Target Tissue

AT-MSCs (Implantation)

Number of AT-MSCs

Nanomaterial supplementation



Injectable ELR-based hydrogel

Hyaline cartilage


2.5 × 105 cells/ml

Elastin-like recombinamers (ELRs)

The injectable ELR-based hydrogel led to successful regeneration of hyaline cartilage in rabbit osteochondral lesion model


Supramolecular HGM hydrogels

Hyaline cartilage; subchondral bone


1 × 107 cells/ml

Kartogenin; TGF-β1

The injected MSC-laden HGM hydrogels led to quality neocartilage formation in the rat knee cartilage defect model


Fiber-reinforced and GF-loaded tri-layered hydrogels

Hyaline cartilage; subchondral bone


5 × 106 cells/ml


The fiber-reinforced and GF-loaded tri-layered hydrogel onstruct could simultaneously facilitate the regeneration of both cartilage and subchondral bone


Injectable, self-hardening, mechanically reinforced hydrogel (Si-HPCH)

Hyaline cartilage; subchondral bone


1 × 106 cells/ml


The defects filled with Si-HPCH, revealed a significant osteochondral regeneration in the canine osteochondral defect model
