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Fig. 6 | Biomaterials Research

Fig. 6

From: Development of cell-laden multimodular Lego-like customizable endometrial tissue assembly for successful tissue regeneration

Fig. 6

Synthesis of various assembly sheets encapsulating various endometrial cells labeled with fluorescent dyes. The fabricated biomaterials encapsulating various endometrial cellular components were injected into casting molds for three different types (square, rectangle, and circular shape) of assembly sheets and then polymerized at room temperature. Next, polymerized assembly sheets were effectively released from the molds by separating the upper and lower molds (A). Each endometrial cell type was labeled with GFP (green fluorescent protein) or mCherry (red fluorescent protein) to track their incorporation into the injured sites when they were transplanted in vivo. Three different types, square (B), rectangle (C), or circular (D) shape assembly sheets encapsulating various endometrial cell types, were properly fabricated, and labeled cells were homogenously distributed throughout individual assembly sheets

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