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Fig. 6 | Biomaterials Research

Fig. 6

From: Efficiently targeted therapy of glioblastoma xenograft via multifunctional biomimetic nanodrugs

Fig. 6

Detection of the BBB penetration of nanodrugs in the in vitro and in vivo models. A Schematic diagram of the in vitro BBB model of the co-cultured bEnd.3 and U87 MG cells. B The percentage of DOX uptake in U87 MG cells measured by flow cytometry after the co-cultured bEnd.3 cells were treated with either of the indicated treatments. C-D The profile of DOX uptake (C) and MFI of DOX (D) detected by flow cytometry in U87 MG cells after the co-cultured bEnd.3 cells were treated with either of the indicated treatments. E In vivo DOX fluorescence images obtained at the indicated time points of U87 MG-LUC tumor-bearing nude mice after tail vein administration of CMS/PEG-DOX-M, CMS/PEG-DOX, or DOX (CMS: 15 mg/kg, DOX: 10 mg/kg, 100 μL). F Average radiance of DOX fluorescence detected in mouse brain orthotopic glioma tissue. G Ex vivo DOX fluorescence images of the major organs (heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidney, intestine, brain) surgically removed from the same mouse of each group at 24 h time point as seen in the panel C. (H) Ex vivo DOX fluorescence images of the mouse brains of the same mouse from each group at 24 h time point as seen in the panel D. BBB, blood-brain barrier; CMS, Cu2MoS4; PEG, polyethylene glycol; DOX, doxorubicin; M, cell membrane of U87 MG cells; MFI, mean fluorescence intensity; LUC, luciferase

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