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Fig. 7 | Biomaterials Research

Fig. 7

From: Mild heat treatment in vitro potentiates human adipose stem cells: delayed aging and improved quality for long term culture

Fig. 7

Effects of mild HT on the differentiation capacity of human AD-MSCs during subculturing with HT. a Relative absorbance of oil red and b relative expression levels of adipogenic genes (C/EBPα, PPARγ, and FABP) of the MSCs in each group during the subculture at P + 1(HT), P + 4(HT), P + 7(HT), and P + 10(HT). c Relative absorbance of Alcian blue and d relative expression levels of chondrogenic genes (COL2, SOX9, and ACAN) of the MSCs in each group during the subculture. e Relative absorbance of Alizarin red and f relative expression levels of osteogenic genes (RUNX2, OPN, and ALP) of the MSCs in each group during the subculture. The absorbance and gene expression levels were normalized with those of the control at each passage. *p < 0.05 compared to the control group, and #p < 0.05 compared to the HT 41ºC group

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